Reply to ridiculous reason why film producer is still seeking film finance for 2 years for a transaction that takes 2-4 weeks

READ THIS subheading under the blog title.

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Reply to Intake Form submission requesting to acquire $40M worth of POF’s for free by paying for them out of unrelated & subsequent LOC or line credit debt capital loan:

There is a reason why they call it BUYING financial instruments. And POF’s or collateralized enhancement letters are not financial instruments. Financial instruments such as SBLC’s and BG’s can be made on non-recourse basis because they are financial instruments that can be monetized as an asset. POF’s are not an owned asset. BUYING collateralized enhancement letters like POF’s are called BUYING for a reason. And those who issue them is an unrelated transaction to then getting approved for debt capital loans that you still have to pay back eventually.

If this is the only option you have pursued for film finance for 2 years; we know everyone, anywhere has told you that NO one let you pay to BUY a POF out of a unrelated line of credit loan usually from a different source. We have no idea why in the 21st Century people still pretend to not know this. Also note that ALL financial institutions require personal guarantees for lines of debt capital lines of credit; unless you have considerable revenues and net worth already. Personal guarantees and non-recourse mean 2 different things.

You are wasting peoples time with this unrealistic request. And you will continue to get the same reply that you’ve gotten for the last 2 years 2 years from now. If you know so little about finance then that adds to the justified value of hiring an IR media firm & financial strategy advisor like ours. For free we recommend reading the other 30+ options of film finance to determine if you qualify for any of them. GOOGLE “Short list of specific types of film finance”.

We have suggested for 4 years now the option of POF’s for film producers; We can arrange wholesale buyer prices for POF’s and defer our administrative costs up to 1 year O.A.C.. Ask for details.

For those who want to leverage their own capital with monetizable financial instruments that you can acquire on a non-recourse basis legally (no repayment) and close in 2-4 weeks;

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Some additional points on proof of funds.  Major construction project POF’s debt collateral letters are leased.  They are not  free.  The cost is proportionate to the pending loan amount.  But generally 1% of face value.  The lease term generally is less then a month.

One exception is free  POF’s.  This rare  exception only applies for amounts under $1M and generally for residential properties only. AND requires proof an an exit strategy.  meaning the fix and flip your about to acquire; you already have a proven buyer “standing-by”.

The 3rd type of POF’s is matching funds debt capital funding request.  This is when borrower has proof of 50% LTV cash funds in a corporate banking account with bank statement that includes bank branch manager contact info to confirm.  Many people “claim” they have this yet it rarely  materializes by people that know they must hire a FINSERVE to receive customer service and get approved for the other 50% of funds.

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GLOBALCROSSROADSCAPITAL.COM is US Vet-owned IR media communications firm and is not a lender, funder, investor, free advisor, seller, buyer, or broker dealer. If you have an interest in either of the 2 programs above and can illustrate eligibility you must be a client to pursue them. First step to become one is to proceed to the CONTACT page above and follow the instructions.  Or click on the orange company name.

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