What is a security according to dictionary? Equity = securities and why most film producers don’t qualify for equity

 (SCROLL DOWN to see * 3 NOTES below description)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
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security (description)

1. The prevention and protection against fraud, theft, & other occurrences caused by deliberate action.  (something every professional investor cares about)

3. Finance: A financing or (tradeable) investment instrument issued by a company or government agency that denotes an ownership interest and provides evidence of a debt, a right to share in the earnings of the issuer, or a right in the distribution of a property. Securities include bonds, debentures, notes, options, shares, and warrants but not insurance policies, and may be (traded) in financial markets such …

Learn more about this term
Usage Example
After studying the stock market, I decided to purchase equity securities as I believed that was the best option for me to achieve the returns I desired.
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 NOTE #1:  PPM’s are not a tradeable security that has verifiable exchange market valuation of interest to bulk stock investors that are readily available today.
 NOTE #2:
Institutional and sophisticated film investors require a MANDATORY completion bond.  You must BUY a bond and your film budget preferably should be at least $2M+ to justify the cost of the bond.
 NOTE #3:
100% equity in film is rare.  The fact is that equity is leveraged and risk mitigated by
 combining with debt, asset-based and / or government funding.  Average combo is 65% debt and 35% equity
 IF equity is involved at all
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