The distinct difference between IR/PR media firms and brokers so says the dictionary & Wall Street

The core purpose of an IR/PR media communications firm is publicity, financial marketing, branding, and These tasks are not brokering tasks and therefore not free or predicated on what contractual clients may or may not do. This industry SOP is verified by

The core purpose of a broker is to be an intermediate of buyers, sellers, monetizers, and trading platforms. Buyers must have (POF’s) proof of funds to buy. Sellers must have (POA’s) proof of monetizable assets to sell. This can be P/O’s, A/R’s, commodities, financial instruments, real estate, or hard assets that are appraised & owned free & clear.

Sometimes IR media firms may have a logistical arm external or internal called The 1980’s portrayal of 50% commission only paid Boiler Rooms in the movie called “Boiler Room” is if not extinct certainly is a fringe element of the IR industry. Most IR firms typically factor costs & fees by a number of staff x number of hours x campaign weeks (coinciding with bonuses). Or deferred, annual flat-rate on approved credit.

Rarely IR firms may have a host of task staffing departments. If they are a VETBIZ registered P-3 government vendor this can also include; government relations, international trade logistics & commercialization of technology. There is only 1 such known IR firm in the State of Nevada. Financial advisory services can be an elective service too offered by an IR firm. Combine all the above elective services together and now you might as well be called an SR. VP of Biz Dev.

The prevalent assumption is that everyone is a broker. And the only pay is commission; no matter if the task rendered is a brokering task or not. Both FALSE.  The 2 distinct broker jobs that still exist in 2020 are a real estate sales broker and a (publicly-traded) stock sales broker.

However, both of these jobs are diversifying their compensation as to not be held hostage to what a costly time-wasting contractual client may or may not do.  More real estate brokers also do property management and stockbrokers may also do financial advisory services. Typically broker tasks never  exceed a timeline to close over 30 days.

Welcome to the 21st Century

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